
Sunday, April 15, 2007

April 15--OUR MISSION--To invite our community...

This is the first of three sermons based on the new mission statement of Palermo United Church: "WE INVITE OUR COMMUNITY TO GROW WITH US AS FOLLOWERS OF JESUS." This message focuses on what makes someone a good "inviter."


Inviting is simple, but it is not easy.

In my experience with home-based businesses where inviting others to benefit from what you had to offer was the main activity, I discovered that the most successful people had three characteristics in common.

#1. They knew WHY they were inviting others. They had an internal motivation, a burning dream or desire, an emotional reason for stepping out of their comfort zone, for spending additional time in this activity. A personal "why", when connected with a team "why" seemed to accomplish a lot!
Our main "why" is to obey Jesus' command (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8). The Easter narratives end with the request/command to "go, tell".
Another "why" is to help others experience the uniqueness of our community of faith, Palermo United.
Can you see how our personal and team "why's", when they are strong, can be a powerful motivation to inviting our community to grow with us as followers of Jesus?

#2. They knew WHAT they had in their hands. It was more than just a way to make more money. It could make a big difference to the lives of others.
What we have in our hands is an ability to help others experience the transforming power of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 10) "to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and declare that the Kingdom of heaven is here." (Also, Luke 4:14f)
People in today's society are not looking for another meeting to attend on a Sunday morning, or to belong to another club that does good works, but to experience the power of God in their lives.

#3. They knew WHO was behind them. A company with a good track record, owners with deep pockets, a business development team with proven success, etc.
In John 20:21-22, Jesus says: "As the Father has sent me, so I send you." Then he breathed on them and said: "Receive the Holy Spirit."
We have the Creator of the universe behind us. The power of the Risen Christ is our back-up! The Holy Spirit is our resident source of power. WE CANNOT FAIL.

The mechanics of inviting are not that tough. The techniques are simple. But before we learn them, let us consider and develop these three characteristics. Then we will be able to fulfil our mission: WE INVITE OUR COMMUNITY TO GROW WITH US AS FOLLOWERS OF JESUS.


1. What is the most exciting invitation you have ever received? What made it so special?

2. What is the most meaningful invitation you have ever issued to another person? What motivated you to issue the invitation?

3. What are some obstacles that would hold you back from inviting others as per our mission statement?

4. What are some of your reasons/motivations for wanting to invite others as per the mission statement?

5. How can your small group help you?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Text: Luke 24:1-12

An audio file of the entire message is available for streaming or download by clicking on


1. Share what you know about the "Lost Tomb of Jesus" controversy and your opinion(s) about the issue.

2. What is the significance of the Empty Tomb in the Easter Story?

3. Why is it important to go "beyond the tomb" to grasp the significance of the Resurrection?

4. Share any personal encounters you may have experienced with the Risen Christ...or another person's experience that you are aware of.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

April 1--THE FATHER'S LOVE--part 3

Luke 22:39-44; 23:32-46

An audio file of the entire message is available for streaming/download by clicking on:

Who do you talk about all the time? That’s who you are most excited about at that time.
Spouse, Boyfriend/girlfriend, Parents, Children, grandchildren, etc.

Jesus always talked about his Father.

His primary relationship was with his Father.

Baptism…THE CENTRAL EVENT… “You are my beloved Son…in you I am well pleased.”
Mountain of Transfiguration….
Jesus going away to spend time with his Father.
Teaches disciples to pray: “OUR DADDY” (Abba)
Prays to the Father

Today’s reading…(Luke 22 & 23)
“Father, if it is possible, remove this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”
“Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”

All three prayers are possible, only to one who is secure in the Father’s love.

Can we pray as Jesus did in all three circumstances?

1. When we are faced with the “agony of the soul?”--Gethsemane experiences

2. When we are faced with the desire to take revenge or to withhold forgiveness?--as Stephen did in Acts 7?

3. When we face death?

We need a (greater) revelation of the Father’s love.

Romans 8:15 "For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."

The Holy Spirit gives us that revelation.

Would you like to be able to pray as Jesus did?

As the music plays…Sulojana, Marian and I will come around and pray for each of you, asking God to impart a revelation of the Father’s love to you today.


1. "All three prayers are possible, only to one who is secure in the Father's love." Do you agree with this statement? Why? Why not?

2. Have you gone through a "Gethsemane" experience? How did you get through it?

3. Do you struggle with "forgiving your enemies?" How do you deal with it?

4. Are you afraid of death and/or dying? Can you face death as Jesus did?

5. Play some soaking music and pray for one another, asking the Holy Spirit to impart a greater revelation of the Father's love (through the laying on of hands)