
Sunday, January 6, 2008

January 6, 2008--WHEN YOU PRAY

Based mostly on Matthew 6:5-8, this message focuses on what Jesus taught about prayer, prior to teaching his disciples the Lord's Prayer.
An audio file is available for listening or download at

Some points emphasized...
Jesus says: "WHEN you pray"....Prayer is not optional, but essential for followers of Jesus.
The secret of prayer is secret prayer...go into your room (closet), lock the door and then talk to your Father in heaven.
The greater problem facing the Christian faith is not that more people are coming out of the closet, but not enough Christians are going into the closet!
Those who stay in the closet the most are the closest to the Father.

Why pray when He already knows our needs before we ask? He’s our Daddy, He wants us to spend time with Him!

More words do not make prayer more effective... "let my words be few." Repetitions don't cut it. No formulas.
All prayer (including the Lord's Prayer) begins and ends with God.

Before we get to the how, what, where, when and why of prayer, we need to focus on the WHO of prayer, our Father in heaven.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There has never been a time when I have not taken something of value from Jeeva's sermons. I believe the Holy Spirit truly works through Jeeva to provide us with the guidance we need for our every day lives.